Ceramic Glaze Handbook Burleson
Techniques, Recipes, Finishing, and Firing. Author: Gabriel Kline. Publisher: Voyageur Press. ISBN:. Category: Crafts & Hobbies. Page: 208.
View: 2352'This book made me fall in love with glaze all over again.' —Ben Carter, author of Mastering the Potter’s Wheel Whether you look forward to glazing your work or are guilty of saying 'I hate glazing!'
Amazing Glaze is for you. Join author and Odyssey Clayworks founder Gabriel Kline on a journey that makes glazing less intimidating and more fun. Start in the 'glaze kitchen' where you'll set yourself up for success, then move on to learning the tools and techniques for getting your glaze right every time. Along the way, Gabriel shares dozens of tried-and-true recipes and combinations for both mid-range and high-fire glazes. The recipes and foundational techniques of Amazing Glaze are just the beginning.
Learn about layering with slip and underglaze, work with resists, and combine techniques to take your glazing above and beyond. Whether you're after crystalline effects, an elusive red, or a crash-course in applying decals it's all here. A variety of artist features and stunning gallery work from today's top artists will leave you inspired and ready to get glazing. Author: Fuxi Gan,Qinghui Li,Julian Henderson. Publisher: World Scientific. ISBN:. Category: Crafts & Hobbies.
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Page: 570. View: 4679'The aim of the book is to report the recent research development of ancient glass and glazing technology and the historical–cultural exchange of the East and West along the Silk Road. The contents of this book are dedicated to promote the exchanges between researchers in both social and scientific fields. The scope of this book includes the new archaeological findings of ancient glass and faience in the world, the relationship of glassmaking with glazing technology, the development and application of modern techniques used for the characterization of ancient glass and glaze, compound colorants/opacifiers among ancient glass, the early exchanges of culture and techniques used between China and elsewhere along the Silk Road, and so on.'
-Provided by publisher. Viewing Pueblo IV Regional Organization Through Ceramic Production and Exchange. Author: Deborah L. Huntley. Publisher: University of Arizona Press.
ISBN: 645. Category: Social Science. Page: 104. View: 8877In the Pueblo IV period (1275-1600) potters began to make distinctive polychrome vessels, which have been linked by archaeologists to new ideologies and religious practices in the area. This research examines interaction networks along settlement clusters in the Zuni region of west-central New Mexico in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, using analytical techniques such as INAA sourcing of ceramic pastes. Pottery Techniques. Author: Anderson Turner.
Publisher: The American Ceramic Society. ISBN:. Category: Art.
Page: 135. View: 4111Book Description: Surface, Glaze and Form: Pottery Techniques covers three of the most critical aspects of the ceramic process. The thirty artists represented here discuss the techniques they use to create unique forms and the methods they use to glaze and decorate their work.
All types of forming methods, from handbuilding to slipcasting, are illustrated in detailed step-by-step photo sequences, along with surface techniques that cover a wide range of decorative possibilities. Many of the techniques in this book revolve around making complete projects from forming through decoration so you get a variety of techniques from a single artist. Surface, Glaze & Form: Pottery Techniques provides enough ideas and techniques to keep you excited for the rest of your life. Every new technique you learn can alter the way you currently work or even take you off on a whole different adventure.

This book is indeed an atlas of possibilities. Where will you go? 1240 C / 2264 F.
Author: Michael Bailey. Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press.
ISBN: 827. Category: Art. Page: 128. View: 8661Traditionally potters fired their work either at low temperatures, as for earthenware, or at the high temperature that stoneware requires.
However, a growing number of potters, particularly those who use electric kilns, are firing to a middle-range temperature, of which cone 6 is typical. Using middle range temperatures saves fuel and expense, reduces wear on electric elements, and yet allows the potter to achieve features shared by earthenware and stoneware.
Because of the popularity of this technique, pottery suppliers have recently begun developing clay bodies and glazes suitable for the temperature range. In Glazes Cone 6 Mike Bailey surveys the growing trend in middle-temperature firing and guides the reader by practical knowledge. He discusses a range of different glazes, including special effects, glaze stains, and underglaze colors, giving both recipes and tips for ensuring success. A Clay and Crime Mystery. Author: Melissa Glazer. Publisher: Penguin. ISBN: 409.
Category: Fiction. Page: 224. View: 7538In Maple Ridge, Vermont, Carolyn Emerson plans to ease into her golden years running her paint-your-own-pottery shop, Fire at Will.
But when a pesky dead body shows up in the shop, her name may be mud. Carolyn never liked Betty Wickline, but that didn’t mean she wanted her dead. Yet that’s exactly how Betty is found one night in Fire at Will—craftily murdered with Carolyn’s very own awl. Suddenly everyone in town paints Carolyn as the suspect, and her business is drying up.
Ceramic Glaze Handbook Burleson County
For help, Carolyn turns to her shop club, the Firing Squad, a group of loyal customers and amateur potters. As their investigation takes shape, Carolyn has a brush with death. Now, she and the Squad must piece the shards of evidence together, before Carolyn’s life is shattered. Includes directions for a clay wind ornament project!