Fl Studio 11 Kontakt 5

Fl Studio 11 Kontakt 5 0

Dear NI Forum -This could be tough. Game soccer manager offline bible. I have Abbey Road - Late 60s kit 'Punch It' loaded in Kontakt 16 out.
Outputs in Kontakt 16 go:Kick-1/2 Snare-3/4 Hihat-5/6 HiTom-7/8 LoTom-9/10 FlTom-11/12 Overhead-13/14 Room-15/16In FL 11: MIDI Out (1) linked to Insert 1. I have the Master track OFF, no outs or sends. I have the 1st Insert out sent to ASIO card.I saw levels correspond to all instruments 1-6 and Overhead 7 and Room 8 in Kontakt output panel.Here's what's puzzling me: I'm receiving signals on Inserts 8,9,10, and 11. I turned on the ASIO outs foreach of the Inserts showing levels and it's apparently Overhead and Room. If I hit mute buttons next tofaders for Overhead and Room on Abbey Road mixer, those levels disappear from FL mixer.(Insert 8 & 9 for Overhead and Inserts 10 & 11 for Room on the FL mixer.)My question: Why do those 4 signals show up there in FL and why are 4 Insert tracks of the FL Mixer showing input?Overhead and Room account for 2 separate channels in stereo, you'd think.??? Does anyone have a clue?Thanks so much - TheProf.
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