Microsoft Publisher Postscript Driver
Note: In some cases, printing spot colors may be more expensive than using process colors. This is commonly the case for short-run jobs. Process colorsIf you use this color model, your publication is printed in full color by combining varying percentages of the process-color inks cyan, magenta, yellow, and black, which are typically shortened to CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key). Although you can combine these four inks to get almost a full range of colors, you can't get some colors. For example, the CMYK color model can't produce metallic colors or colors that are highly saturated.Process-color printing always requires setting up the press with the four CMYK inks. It also requires skill on the part of the press operator to line up the impression of one ink with the others, which is called registration. These requirements make process-color printing more expensive than spot-color printing.
Process plus spot colorsThis color model is the most expensive to print because it combines process-color printing (four inks) with one or more spot-color inks. You use this color model only if you want both full color plus a highly saturated or metallic color that can't be produced by using CMYK. Choose a color modelWhen you choose a color model in Microsoft Office Publisher, the Color Picker displays only those colors that are available in the color model that you choose. For example, if you set your color model to Single Color, you can choose only line, fill, and text colors that you can make with that single ink color. If you set the color model to Spot Colors, you can choose only line, fill, and text colors that can be made by using your spot color inks. Tip 3: Make sure that your publication pages are the correct sizeBefore you create your publication, you should decide what size you want the finished printed publication to be.
Be sure to consult your commercial printing service.After you determine the page size that you want, set it up in the Page Setup dialog box.Make sure at this stage that the page size you choose in the Page Setup dialog box is the size that you want. It is difficult to change the page size after you start to design your publication. Tip: To get the best results with imposition, talk to your commercial printer before you set up your publication. Your commercial printer may use a third-party imposition program to impose your publication.As a general rule, whether you are going to use imposition or not, you should set your page size to be the final size of the item.Business card, index card, and postcard sizes If you want to print several small items, like business cards, on a single letter-sized (8.5 inches x 11 inches) sheet, set your publication page size to be the size of the cards (2 inches x 3.5 inches for business cards), not the size of the paper that you will print them on. In the Page Setup dialog box, you can set how many copies to print per sheet.How?.On the Page Design tab, click the dialog box launcher in the Page Setup group.In the Page Setup dialog box, under Layout type, click Multiple pages per sheet or another appropriate option.Under Options, enter the values that you want in the Side Margin, Top Margin, Horizontal Gap, and Vertical Gap boxes.Click OK.Depending on the paper size that you selected and the margin values that you entered, Publisher fits as many copies of the item on the page as it can.
What Is Postscript
You still see only one copy in the publication window, but when you print the publication, Publisher prints multiple copies on one sheet of paper.Folded brochure sizes If your publication is a single sheet of paper that will be folded one or more times, such as a tri-fold brochure or a greeting card, the page size should be the same as the finished size before you fold it. You should not consider each panel of the brochure to be a separate page. For example, if your publication is a tri-fold brochure that you will print on letter-sized paper, click the Letter page size in the Page Setup dialog box.Booklet sizes If your publication is a booklet with multiple folded pages (for example, a catalog or magazine), the page size should be the same as a single page after the piece has been folded.
For example, if your publication page size is 5.5 inches x 8.5 inches, you can print these pages side-by-side on both sides of a single letter-sized sheet of paper. The booklet printing feature in Publisher arranges the pages so that, when you combine and fold the printed sheets, the pages are in the correct sequence.To set up a booklet, see.Complex imposition Some imposition can involve a large number of pages that are printed on a single sheet, which is then folded several times and trimmed on three sides to produce a group of sequentially numbered pages. This kind of imposition can be done only by using a third-party imposition program.Tip 4: Allow for bleedsIf you have elements in your publication that you want to print to the edge of the page, set these up as bleeds. A bleed is where the element extends off the publication page.
The publication is printed to a paper size that is larger than the finished page size and then trimmed. Bleeds are necessary because most printing devices, including offset printing presses, can't print to the edge of the paper, and trimming the paper may leave a thin, white, unprinted edge.To create a bleed in Publisher, enlarge the elements that you want to bleed so that they extend off the edge of the page by at least 0.125 inches.If the element is an AutoShape that you created in Publisher, you can easily stretch it. However, if the shape is a picture, you must take more care to ensure that you don't get the picture out of proportion or that you don't lose part of the picture that you want to keep when the page is trimmed.
Tip 5: Avoid using synthetic font stylesTypefaces are typically designed with different fonts to represent variations in the typeface. For example, the typeface Times New Roman is actually four fonts:.Times New Roman.Times New Roman Bold.Times New Roman Italic.Times New Roman Bold ItalicTo simplify using the variations, when you apply the bold or italic formatting to text in Publisher, Microsoft Windows applies the appropriate font if it is available. For example, if you select some text in Times New Roman and then click Bold on the Formatting toolbar, Windows substitutes Times New Roman Bold for the font.Many typefaces do not have separate fonts to represent bold and italic. When you apply bold or italic formatting to these fonts, Windows creates a synthetic version of the typeface in that style. For example, the typeface Comic Sans MS does not have an italic font version. When you apply italic formatting to text in Comic Sans MS, Windows makes the text look italic by slanting the characters.Most desktop printers print synthetic font styles as expected, but high-end print devices, such as imagesetters, usually do not print synthetic fonts as expected.
Make sure that you don't have any synthetic font styles in your publication when you hand it off to your commercial printer. Check for the separate fonts that you want to printTo be sure that you don't have any synthetic font styles, you need to know what typefaces you are using and what variations are available as separate fonts. Note: For text at larger font sizes, roughly 18 points and larger, tints are not a problem.
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Be sure to discuss the fonts that you want to tint with your commercial printer. Tip 7: Size digital photos and scanned images appropriatelyGraphics that are created by a paint program, a scanning program, or a digital camera are made up of a grid of differently colored squares called pixels. The more pixels a graphic has, the more detail it shows.The resolution of a picture is expressed in pixels per inch (ppi). Every picture has a finite number of pixels.
Scaling a picture larger decreases the resolution (fewer ppi). Scaling the picture smaller increases the resolution (more ppi).If your picture resolution is too low, it will be printed more blocky. If the picture resolution is too high, the file size of the publication becomes unnecessarily large, and it takes a longer time to open, edit, and be printed.
Pictures with more than 1,000 ppi may not be printed at all.If the resolution of the picture is greater than what the printer is able to print (for example, an 800-ppi picture on a 300-ppi printer), the printer takes more time to process the image data without showing any more detail in the printed piece. Try to match the picture resolution to the resolution of the printer.Color pictures that you plan to have printed by a commercial printer should be between 200 and 300 ppi. Your pictures can have higher resolution — up to 800 ppi — but they should not have a lower resolution. Note: You sometimes may see picture resolution expressed as dots per inch (dpi) instead of ppi.
These terms are often used interchangeably. Effective resolutionA picture contains the same amount of information whether you scale it larger or smaller in your publication. If you want more details in your picture to appear as you enlarge it, you need to start with a picture that has a higher effective resolution.Every picture in your publication has an effective resolution that takes into account the original resolution of the graphic and the effect of scaling it in Publisher.
When you use the Pack and Go Wizard to pack your publication and related files to take to a commercial printing service, Microsoft Publisher creates a compressed (.zip) file and a PDF file for your commercial printer. Ask your commercial printer if these are the files that they need you to deliver. If these are not the types of files that they work with, your commercial printer may ask you to produce a PostScript file.Ask your commercial printing service if you need to save your publication as a page-independent PostScript file instead. Save as a PostScript file.Click File Save As.In the File name box, type a name for the file. You don't need to type a file name extension.
Publisher automatically to the end of the file name you type.In the Save as type list, select PostScript.Click Save.In the Printer name list, select the PostScript printer or imagesetter that you want. Note: You can save as a PDF or XPS file from a 2007 Microsoft Office system program only after you install an add-in. For more information, see. Save as a color-separated PostScript file.On the File menu, click Save As.In the File name box, type a name for the file. You don't need to type a file name extension.
Postscript Printer Driver
Publisher automatically to the end of the file name you type.In the Save as type list, select PostScript.Click Save.In the Printer name list, select the PostScript printer or imagesetter that you want.