Atf License Fireworks
I am in the process currently of obtaining my BATF license after many years of making fireworks legally in Michigan without storing them. By the sounds of it you are looking at just purchasing salutes and not in making them or any other shells correct? In this case you have to abide by all local laws, then all states laws and then all federal laws after that.
My township that i live in does not have any local laws so they told me to just follow the state and federal laws. For the federal laws you will want to become very familiar with the ATF Orange Book at:This contains the federal laws. Reading through this scared me away from obtaining my license for many years but now i am finally going through and doing it. You will need to make sure you have the means to store your fireworks in a proper storage magazine, whether it be yours or you have permission from someone else to use theirs close. A Indoor Type 4 storage container can be used for Display Fireworks which can be easily made from a Ridgid Job Box, but if you plan on storing bulk salutes you will need a Type 1 or 2 storage container.
'Bulk Salutes' are defined in a number of different ways and sometimes putting one display shell in a case of bulk salutes allows you to get around this and store them in a Type 4 storage container. You can shoot me a PM if you have any direct questions that you want answered from someone locally or continue to post here and the rest of the community will chime in as well. Welcome to the forum!PS: Mumbles I sent you a message yesterday.
To shoot a display fireworks show most local counties require a display permit to be signed before hand, which usually they usually require insurance for. However, sometimes your simple homeowners insurance is enough to cover this. You sound alot like myself when i first got into this hobby and just wanted to add some bang to my shows but did not want to go through the hassle of obtaining a permit. What your going to find out is that it takes money either way in this hobby, even more so if you want to make your own product. DO NOT TRY TO MAKE YOUR OWN SALUTES! If you want to get into the hobby of making fireworks there are alot of great threads here that will introduce you to the art, but it takes alot of time to learn. After you got down making star filled shells and a few years of safety and experience under your belt, then it may be ok to make a salute.
Atf Fireworks Storage Requirements
The simple answer to your question is that yes you will need storage for your shells in one way or another. You can try to convince the ATF agent that you plan to buy and shoot all of the shells in the same day, however their first question will be what if it rains.
You have to have a storage container or a contingency plan to use someone elses. To make a type 4 storage container will cost you about $300 on the cheapest end. You can purchase this ridgid box:Buy Two 5 pin Masterlocks to fit it:And coat the inside with a spark free material like bed liner or you can use 1/2' plywood. This should pass through the ATFs inspection for a type 4 indoor magazine. Money, you're not doing any of your own research.
Look up (first) the ATF regulations.You're not even allowed to possess commercial fireworks (other than 1.4G consumer goods) without an ATF license. In the case of salutes, if they aren't mixed with color shells, they're considered 'bulk salutes', and MUST be stored in a suitable high explosives magazine on a licensed site, by an ATF licensee.You can make your own fireworks (including salutes) on your own property without an ATF license, if you have the legal setbacks to do it, and if your local laws and ordinances allow it. But even then, if you don't make them and shoot them the same day, then you MUST have a magazine suited to high-explosives for salutes (only) or 1.3G NOS (not otherwise specified) for fireworks other than salutes. And, if you make them yourself, and don't go through the two-year process with USDOT to obtain an EX number on them, then ANYTHING you make, right down to a sparkler, is considered at least 1.3G, and may be considered 'high explosives' (salutes).We're not 'inventing' obstructions for you, we're telling you what the laws are. I'm in the business.
I have an ATF license. I've read and understood the regs many times. Get thee a copy of 'The Orange Book', and memorize it cover-to-cover.LLoyd. I dont know why gota store 1 box'-BECAUSE THEY ARE CLASSIFIED AS 'HIGH EXPLOSIVES'!!!!!!!!!!!!It doesn't matter WHAT you 'personally feel' about them, they are a listed explosive, they are 'high explosive', and they are required by law to be stored properly in a high-explosives magazine.What about 'it's the law' don't you get? For that matter, what about the FACT that they're 'commercial fireworks, and you can't buy them without an ATF license' don't you get?

If you should buy any without a license, both you and the seller have committed a federal felony.I'm trying really hard to give you the information you need to stay out of prison. If you think it's stupid information, tell me, and I'll stop offering it.Lloyd (now in his 'abrasive' mode)Edited by lloyd, 12 July 2017 - 03:26 PM. You're still missing the point, Money! FEDERAL LAW says, if you have a box of salutes (no matter how small), you have to store them in a proper magazine - and 'typed' (construction, setbacks, etc.) for THAT kind of explosive. It's not my opinion, and not even my choice - it's the law!If you do otherwise, you're committing a deliberate violation of the federal explosives act as described in 'The Orange Book'. Get a copy and study it!
They're free. Just call ATF and ask for one. A deliberate violation of the explosives laws can be a felony crime.
What Are Two Fireworks That Exceed The Legal Limit
You need to educate yourself about it.Do what you want. What I've written obviously is having no effect on your opinion.LloydEdited by lloyd, 12 July 2017 - 07:48 PM. For Fucks sake go to a garage sale, buy a small job box, line it with wood to cover all the bare metal, get a small tiny shed to put it in, make your own lock cover (or buy one, i think thr proper name is a lock hood?) and get a ATF approved lock (not that hard to find if you look into it ). Put said job box into tiny shed (or a detached garage ) and there ya go, a cheap, small, easy to use magazine.This was a very abridged tutorial, do a bit more research and contact the ATF about your concerns.Edited by pyroman2498, 12 July 2017 - 11:08 PM.
This is cracking me up. Money, you need to dig in and do some reading. 1.3 product is SO VERY restricted. They are, in essence, BOMBS. And that's how they are treated by the ATF, and the State fire marshal.
On another note. Check this out guys. I live in Illinois. I spent 2 hours with Wetzel (state fire marshal) last week, discussing how I am going to get legal for shooting 1.3. I was honest with him, and told him that I have been manufacturing 1.3 and shooting them on my property for 4 years.
He told me that it was illegal. When I asked him why, he simply stated. 'In Illinois, if you have your Type 54, you may obtain 1.3 and store it. But the SECOND you fire it out of a mortar, in Illinois THAT is considered DISTRIBUTION'. You are not allowed to distribute 1.3 product in Illinois without a STATE license. He was helpful, and explained everything very clearly.
The unfortunate part about this, is that in the end, the state has dominion over your private property, and that sucks. In most other states, as long as you have your ATF license, you are good to go. To get an Illinois license, you must be an LLC, (a company), and you must show proof of insurance upon application. That insurance runs between 3,600 and 4,000 per year. That makes it too expensive for a lot of folks (including me). So the way to go, as I understand it, is to become an employee possessor (or 'responsible person') for a company, and shoot under their ATF license and state license. Illinois makes it a nightmare to be a pyro.
The OSFM operates a statewide Bomb Squad staffed by Deputy State Fire Marshals (DSFM). The bomb squad responds to emergency calls for found explosives and suspected packages. Should the investigation reveal that a crime has or is occurring the responding DSFM Bomb Technician will continue with the case.
The DSFM Bomb Technician normally is responsible for all aspects of the investigation including scene examination, evidence collection, photography, interview & interrogation, and effecting an arrest when appropriate.They also provide special events stand-by's and regulate the explosive and fireworks industries within the state. The Bomb Squad is supplemented by other DSFM's who are assigned to regional offices and are cross-trained for fire investigation, bomb squad, and code enforcement responsibilities.The OSFM Bomb Squad also operate an explosive detection canine program. These canines are certified by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF). Additionally, a new maritime explosive response team has been created which provides the OSFM Bomb Squad with the ability to respond and manage explosive incidents in or around Maryland's waterways and shipping industry.
DSFM Bomb Technicians assigned to the maritime explosive response team receive advanced training in underwater diving, boating, and tactical operations.Regulation includes the issuance and renewal of firework shooters, explosive blasters, explosive manufacturing, and explosive sales throughout Maryland. Applications for these licenses can be found in the below document section. DSFM's assigned to the Bomb Squad also conduct field inspection of explosive storage facilities and the monitoring and field inspection of explosive use. Additionally, all public firework displays applications are reviewed and approved by the Bomb Squad command. Be aware, be safe, be responsible, and be prepared!Did you know that not all fireworks are legal for use in the state of Maryland? You should purchase fireworks from the same location that you intend to use them. This informational flyer provides more information on how to tell if a certain firework is approved for use in Maryland.Download this informational flyer for more information on safe fireworks usage in the state of Maryland.Approved ground based sparkling devices approved for sale and use within the state of Maryland.- Updated .
Firework Safety / Label Identification Guide 10:25 AMThis flyer provides basic firework safety information to consumers.